Making it to the bathroom in time is a point of stress for many individuals dealing with limited mobility. Have you been worried lately about straying too far from a toilet, even within your own house? Don’t live with that concern any longer. Order a mobile commode chair from Duralife and know that you’ll be able to use this portable toilet whenever necessary.


  • Sale!
    Tilt-in-Space Shower Chair

    2001 – Tilt-in-Space Commode Shower Chair

    Original price was: $2,077.61.Current price is: $1,676.11.
  • Sale!
    Pediatric Tilt-in-Space Commode-Shower Chair

    2003 – Pediatric Tilt-in-Space Commode-Shower Chair

    Original price was: $1,999.22.Current price is: $1,612.88.